Tuesday, 6 August 2019

What a day! A puzzling story and Derriford pre-op.

Off to Derriford for pre-op assessment at 1430 but first a puzzling story?

Don't you just love it when you spend several days doing a jigsaw and there is a piece missing!!!
I spent several days searching for the little bleeder, but to no avail. All around the floor, under the table, under the suite, it was so unusual for Sharon and Syd to give us a puzzle with a piece missing and it not to be marked as such!
As it was an edge it was quite apparent from the start that it was not there?
When finished I thought "well I will just get it packed away and then start the other one that is in the same box". So I broke it up while Sue went to get the bag that I keep the spares in. 
I took the plastic bag out to put the pieces away and lo and behold stuck to the sellotape along the opening was the missing edge, laughing at me!!!!
There has to be a moral to this tale and when I think of it I will add it? Lol.
If you can think of one comments at the bottom please?

So an early lunch then set off at 1300 for Derriford in Plymouth to find a new unit called Peninsula Heart Clinic. It had only just opened, in fact the official opening was 1100 this morning!
Having searched for 10 or 15 minutes for parking duly arriving at department at 1415 for 1430 appointment.
Promptly seen before time at 1425 and had a very pleasant time, as much as one can in a hospital! 
All passed ok anyway and appointment made for the actual procedure on Monday 19th August 2019 at 1200 noon. (I point blank refuse to write 1200pm as 1200 noon is neither am or pm! Ok readers it is just one of my things).
In 2004 when I had a similar procedure in Bristol Royal Infirmary after my heart attack they went via the groin, now it is done through the wrist and is much nicer? If invasive surgery can be nice?We will see?
Report to follow on the 19th-ish?

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