Sunday, 11 August 2019

Sunday 11th, Church, BBQ and Opera, now there is a combination!

Family service at Bridge church this morning run by the holiday club. Very enjoyable for those of good health and healthy with much dancing and singing. L.E.D. band from Oriel Ministries took part with Chris and Nicky singing and my hearing aids in the off position! Standing joke between me and Chris! lol.
After the service there was a Bar-Be-Que and car wash in aid of the young people going to Soul Survivor later in the week. £445 was raised so that will buy an awful lot of ice creams as it is a long way to Peterborough!

Home then for a short nap and then away again to pick up Stella and off to Sterts Theatre Upton Cross for a performance of Mozart's The Magic Flute, one of my personal favourites and always good for a laugh!

The Magic Flute was performed by Opera Anywhere which is a small but surprisingly spectacularly good company that I think surprised us all at the performance. Watch out for them near you.
The young lady playing the Second Lady's part had a particularly good voice and goes by the name of Freya Jacklin and is one to look out for? Not often does a voice make me come out in goose bumps as hers did!

Then Home to try to sleep and steele myself for the day tomorrow!

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