Monday, 26 August 2019

Family Bar-B-Que. 26/08/19

Had it lunch time with Sue, myself, Lindy, Stella, Karis, Joshua, Lainie and finally Andy our lovely neighbour from flat 4 who we jokingly call Sue's boyfriend. He is a lovely man and very easy to get on with.
Sue did a wonderful job of the cooking, she does tend to do a better job than me because she can keep an eye on it all at once whereas I can only keep an eye on one thing at a time being a man? Lol.
Plenty to eat then played some games and by then my early warning system was telling me it was getting nippy! Stella went and got one of the blankets from the floor and put on my head with this result? It was warmer though and saved me going in to get my hat?
By then it was getting on towards tea time and they all sat and nattered indoors and departed around 1830. All in all a very relaxing yet tiring day.
As an afterthought I was quietly thrilled with Karis and Joshua, both their loving kindness, politeness and help. So a special thank you to them.

Ps. I took no pictures today as a kindness to Lindy who was very much still suffering from the effects of her kiss with the pavement! (see previous post).

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