Wednesday, 8 July 2020

The Aches and Pains of this Boring Old Fart!

Will the aches and pains of old age ever go away? 

This is a question I have been constantly asking myself of late.
Over the past year I have had skin cancer (Bowen's disease) return and hopefully dealt with once again? I have had the angina dealt with by way of a bypass operation but it is the smaller niggles that are the troubling ones.
Over a year ago now it must be since I first noticed that my right shoulder was starting to give me jipp when I tried to scratch my back and it has not got better.
It seemed to get a lot worse very quickly when I had my stay in Derriford, whether it was due to rough handling during the op or just because I was rested up for a long time, who knows?
Anyway to cut a long story short for the past 3 months or so it has got so bad that it has been waking me up at night if I roll over onto that side. Well with the pandemic and how busy they have been I was hoping that it would just go away, WRONG! When it seemed to start causing problems in the region of my neck, possibly pinching a nerve or muscle I thought that it was perhaps time to act?
I finally got around to filling in the laborious form online and got a ring back from Marcus who is a nurse practitioner, whatever that is? I presume a nurse with further training anyhow he told me he to take more pain killers for a week to see if it would improve and he would ring me again then. What that was going to do if it has been bad for a year is anyone's guess?
In the meantime I had a call from the Dr's as they wanted to catch up with blood tests that should have been done over the past 3 month and had been missed. I duly went for those yesterday and was intercepted by a man called Peter, another nurse practitioner (they seem to be coming out of the woodwork) who was supposed to ring me yesterday morning but saw I was coming in for bloods and thought he could perhaps examine my shoulder while I was there!
He thinks that there is a protrusion that has developed over time and wants me to ring today and arrange an x-ray so that they can see what is going on and take it from there!

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