Wednesday, 1 July 2020

A Swarm of Bees arrive at Dowr Close!

About 1630 I looked out of the flat window to see bees swarming in the garden! Sue guessed Andy upstairs would be having his nap so she rang to get him to close his window.
We continued to watch them and they seemed to settle in the Acer tree on the centre plot.
I contacted Roger and Rosemarie Lane to give them a heads up in case our neighbour Denis was unavailable but also knowing they did not really need them.
After they settled I got Richard to contact Denis next door to come and deal with them and went out to take some pictures. (Click to enlarge).
Swarm in Acer.

Denis waiting.
Denis still waiting.

The receptacle the bees were loaded into.
It was quite amusing to watch and a good reminder of how it was done.
I had not seen this done since I lived in Trowbridge when the children were small and the process does not seem to have changed one iota.
Thank you Denis who is still sprightly at 90 years young and by 1830 he was all packed up with the bees on the back seat of his car and gone!
Another view.

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