Tuesday, 8 October 2019

S.R.T. Day 20. Monday 07/10. Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Rain forecast for the day so planned a ride out stopping at a wayside pub for lunch.
The precipitation failed to materialise so went for a short ride and ended up in Berwick-upon-Tweed about 1200 and decided lunch here would be nice then a wander after. Found a very helpful fellow who recommended a pub called The Brewers Arms saying it was reasonably priced and the food was good, he even told us where to park near it.
Had lunch, gammon and pineapple for me and the same but with egg for Sue! Turned out he was right and we are going to trip advisor it when I get home it was so good and unfortunately they do not have a web site.
Back to the cottage for tea and a nap!
Goodnight all.

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