Friday, 3 August 2012

Tooth is on the mend and Damned!

There is a real improvement on my tooth, or lack of it? The gum is still very sore as you would expect it to be but at least it is only discomfort this morning (a 3) whereas last evening it was real pain (a 8). Woke at 0500 with it but there again I was in bed just after 2130!

To All Men Out There (and sympathetic ladies)!

(If there is such a species as sympathetic woman?)

There is one thing that for many years has puzzled me? I may even have voiced it before and if I have I make no apology for doing so again....
I call it damned if you do and damned if you don't!
Why do the female of the species want you to tell them if you are ill? When you do one of 2 things occur, 1) they take very little or no notice! 2) they moan that you are always whinging on that you are ill! 
My answer to this in the past has been to keep quiet and not let on when there is something wrong with me, and guess what even that is wrong. I then get told "if you are taken ill how do you think I would feel not knowing that you were bad".
So what is the right thing to do?
So come on lets have some answers in the comments section please?

Finished off the day watching the Olympics and enjoying them with Sue, also put in some long long phone calls to a friend of mine who is in need of love, comfort and prayer. Will be doing lots of that for her.....


Unknown said...

Try talking to her about it!!! she doesnt want to shower you in pity, pity feeds egos,but like you say she needs to know if you are unwell heaven forbid anything should happen! don't moan on her talk to her!!

Glyn Cotterill said...

LOL how many time, been there, done that, got the tee shirt, several times xx