Thursday, 2 August 2012

Goodbye tooth!

Well today is the day when at long last I will hopefully be getting rid of the troublesome lower back tooth on the left side, it has been giving me some stick on and off for some years now, so at long last it will be good riddance to bad rubbish!!!
I was not away too long and came back with one tooth less than I went with. Into the surgery on time (1120) and out inside 15 minutes, mind you he used so much anaesthetic I asked how many days he was planning it to stay numb? He said it would be needed as the roots were very long, when I saw it out I must admit to agreeing with him! It was apparently one of my wisdom teeth!
The dentist did say that there may be a little pain when the life came back into it, he was not kidding there either, I do not know which was worse, the toothache or the extraction? It has been giving me real gip all day since reawakening. So much so that I am now off to bed for an early night (2130) in the hope that there wil be a vast improvement by morning?!!! Watch this space?


Unknown said...

oooo not nice!!!!

Glyn Cotterill said...

I agree with that Jennie xx