Monday, 25 April 2022

Scotland/Derdyshire/Wilts holiday 2022, Day 1

Saturday 23/04/22, The Trip Up.
Left home at 0655 and headed for Collumpton services to meat up with the girls, Stella, Stacey and Lainie by name for breakfast at Mc D's.
Then Stella took over the driving for the onward journey to Frankley services. Well that was the plan but Stella's bladder knew different! Michael Wood it is then for relief of the strain and a sigh of relief was forthcomming.
At francley we had a snack and bladder emptying for us all before the onward journey with me driving, and this time Stella lasted the 2 hours to Charnock Richard services where we had lunch consisting of KFC for myself,Sue and Lainie and Subway for Stella & Stacey. We had a good 45 minute break there then I continued driving as it was expected to be a busy trip around Preston? It turned out to be remarkably quiet so 
 carried on to Tebay services, the last stop where by this time Stella was getting desperate for peeing again! 
So then onto the last leg with Stella back to driving for this leg.
We arrived at Martha's Shore Cottage at 1701, unpacked the cars and off to do the shopping for Stella, Stacey & Lainie while Sue and me sat waiting as there was not any milk in the fridge. I am so sure that in the past visits a pint was left to start us off?
By the time the girls had got the supermarket shop it was gone 7 before we got tea and I was going into a hypo so had to break open a can of 7up to tide me over!
Well eventually tea washad and the unpacking done and off to bed about the usual time of 2200. Day one was over and knackered I was! 
On that night I will wish you Good night.

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