Monday, 20 January 2020

Operation Day!

Up bright and early, being nil-by-mouth, so showered and changed ready to go to theater at 0715.
Had premeds then off down we went and the nerves are now getting to me so deep in prayer and in the knowledge that many others are praying for me also.
Got there and met by the anesthetist that had spoken to me last evening and to be truthful I do not remember much more about the day except coming around and opening my eyes to see Stella, Sue and Lainie speaking to me. Stella seemed to be a little upset but the other two were fine and I even remember Lainie telling me that she loved me. Now that was a moment to remember!
I can honestly remember nothing else of this day.
As a footnote there was no need to renew any valves so it was just a double by-pass.

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