Monday, 27 January 2020

5 day stay turns into 8!

It was planned that as everything went well with the operation that I should return home on Friday, day 5 but alas due to a collapsed lung during the night of Weds/Thurs I was to remain a further 3 days.
Apparently what caused it is a bit of a mystery but eventually it was put down to being a smoker for some 52 years leaving my lungs with an inherent weakness especially of the left lung causing it to leak. It eventually sealed itself on the Sunday morning, so was decided as long as it stayed sealed for 24 hours I could return home on the Monday.
After some delays and a wait of some 5 hours while getting medication and x-rays were taken we eventually set out for home at around 1830 arriving home about 1915.
Thank you to Andy Fortmuller for getting Sue there to pick me up. Stella was due to do it but unfortunately she had college at Truro on that day which we all thought was given due priority.
It was lovely being home if somewhat uncomfortable due to not having the aids such as specialist bed that you have in hospital! That was far outweighed though by the love of a wonderful nurse and wife and by far superior food.

Monday, 20 January 2020

Operation Day!

Up bright and early, being nil-by-mouth, so showered and changed ready to go to theater at 0715.
Had premeds then off down we went and the nerves are now getting to me so deep in prayer and in the knowledge that many others are praying for me also.
Got there and met by the anesthetist that had spoken to me last evening and to be truthful I do not remember much more about the day except coming around and opening my eyes to see Stella, Sue and Lainie speaking to me. Stella seemed to be a little upset but the other two were fine and I even remember Lainie telling me that she loved me. Now that was a moment to remember!
I can honestly remember nothing else of this day.
As a footnote there was no need to renew any valves so it was just a double by-pass.

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Admission to Derriford again.

Had a quiet day arriving at the hospital early, as usual getting to Clearbrook ward about 1600, thank you again Stella.
Well the first thing that I learned was that I was second on the list again so may be going back home again tomorrow.
We met with Mr Asopa's assistant and told him of the problems that we have had since my last admission.
Lo and behold the next thing is Mr Asopa arrives and we have been promoted from second to first for "medical reasons"! Not going to argue with that one!
Shortly after Sue and Stella went home leaving me to have tea and then it was getting settled into an adjoining ward ready to go down at 0715 tomorrow for the operation (fingers crossed) provided no emergencies come in in the meantime.
I did feel a little sorry for David who they jumped me in front of and went from first to second!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Well here we are 2020 already!

We have much to look forward to this year, but to start with we have to get my operation sorted.
We have the new date of 19th January as admission day for the op on the 20th. Lets just pray that it goes ahead on this date?