Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Tyler is to be a father.

Tyler and his partner Bethany are to become parents in August and Sue, myself, Stella and Lainie are all feeling the lack of communication quite markedly at the moment!

As was stated in the earlier post about control Nicky and Mark have separated themselves and ultimately their children from all of us (including Lindy and family).

I sometime ago composed a letter to Bethany (sent via facebook messenger) as we have no idea what she has been told as to the reasons that there has been no contact with us since Mark, Nicky and the boys moved a couple of years ago? The reason being that we were never given a forwarding address!

The letter is as follows word for word.

"Dear Bethany,
We have never met but I am Tyler’s grandfather and I am desperate?
Myself and Mark’s mother (your child’s great grandmother) are gutted not to be able to be involved with your expected child. This is through no fault of our own. I do not know what you have been told about why we have nothing to do with Tyler’s family, this is very definitely not our choice, so perhaps I should give you a little bit of the history of events leading up to this time?
Mark had always been very close to his mother as he always had been as growing up it was just being the 4 of them with Ron, Freda and Tony. That was basically the whole family unit.
About 18 years ago Nicky lost her mother very suddenly. Around the time that Corben was born.
Shortly after this we noticed that we were hearing less and less from Mark and Nicky. There was a noticeable distancing between us all as a family, less and less contact was very much in evidence. We tried our best to keep in touch even to the point of arranging holidays in Cornwall in 2007 and 2009 to try to keep the family unit together.
The trend was very noticeable and mystifying as when on the odd occasion that we did see them and met at family events (funerals, weddings etc.) it was as if nothing was wrong and everything was hunky dory?
Hearsay is that Nicky was jealous of Mark’s relationship with his mother (as she had lost hers) and at one time it came to her giving Mark the option of “Nicky and the boys or his mother”. (this came from Mark via Stella I think).
We have never in any way done anything to upset or offend Mark or Nicky and as far as I know there has never been a cross word said between any of us?
We do find it very hurtful and upsetting that after the last house move from Edgell Road we have never been allowed to have the contact details, neither address or telephone numbers of where they have moved to and so have been unable to send presents or even cards to anyone, especially Tyler and Corben! Stella and Lindy both feel it is not their place to pass them on to us as they also do not want to upset Nicky!
Every 12th January, Mother’s day, 24th May, Tyler and Corbens birthdays and Christmas I have tears to deal with from Sue. She feels it very deeply and is feeling very sad to be excluded from the excitement of a great grandchild.
I know this is not your fault but please do not look too badly on us for trying to keep the peace in Tyler’s family. Really we do not know which way to turn for the best so up to now have just kept quiet!
Please give our love to Tyler & Corben and much love to yourself.
Glyn Xxxx"

As of this date this post the letter has not been seen as far as we are aware? At least there has been no response so watch this space!

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