Saturday, 8 March 2014

Lent 2014

Well I have decided that I am giving up "social networking" (Facebook and Twitter) for lent again this year. I started on Ash Wednesday (5th March) and will be continuing until Easter Sunday (20th April). I had forgotten how much I missed it last year? I got through it then so I am sure I will get through it now. It is good, mind you to be spending time on other things, I am spending more time reading the Bible and praying, also I may even be getting my rug finished after about 4 years! I have my bonsai to start as they are just starting to bud up, a weather station to set up in the garden, also help Sue with the raised bed she has taken on for us, I am sure I will not be idle?
Will also be able to update this more regularly!
I have a few thing to add such as, our visits to Frome and The Eden Project.
Also there was the flood relief concert.
I will also be able to bore you with how my diet is progressing!
During this time I will be having the treatment for the skin cancer on my cheek! One thing that I am not looking forward to!

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