Friday, 19 April 2013


Yes I have been quite busy on a new venture which has kept me busy on Wednesday evenings 1930 to 2130, and for the last umpteen weeks learning songs.

I have been doing something I have wanted to do for years, as many of you will know I have always loved singing but have never really been able to fit in anywhere because I was too low for tenor and too high for baritone which made it appear that I was crap!!!

Well at last I fit in, you see in a Male Voice Choir there are 4 levels of pitch, Tenor I, Tenor II, Baritone (Base I) and Base II, so as a second tenor I fitted into a slot that was just perfect for both me and the Choir. The choir is a TTBB one.

Oh by the way they are called Launceston Male Voice Choir and you can find all about them here.

It has been a busy week with a Concert with St Josephs School last evening and then sadly the funeral of an ex choir member and supporter today (Friday).

The event last evening raised over £1,000 for the nominated 2 charities and another £500+ for Clik with a retirement collection.

Ready for the fray ha ha

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