Well it has been a quiet week so far with Stella away on holiday with the car!
Sue has only been out of the flat once all week when she went to Tesco this morning and I have doubled that when I went to get some milk on Tuesday and then went to choir practice Wednesday evening. We now have the list of concerts from now until July and practices leading up to the big one in November!
I have pretty much been keeping myself busy with the church mag being published this this week and the directory ready to print but awaiting paper for that and the stapler!
I also have been very much praying this week for a dear dear friend who's marriage is breaking up. I feel very much that she is wanting to fight and save her marriage but her husband is very much influenced by a so called friend who tells him what to do! I is usually the case that my friend and her husband will sit down to talk, she will talk, he will listen then go and ask his friend what he should do and follow her advice instead of growing a pair of balls and telling her to get out of his marriage! I have felt for some time that there is three people in that marriage and nothing can survive that situation....
I wonder if Stella will be back today or tomorrow or even Sunday? Well there is a bit of a tale to that and as I have time on my hands I had might as well tell it!
The plan was that Stella borrowed the car to go to Bognor Regis on Monday to see her friend Sandra, stay with her brother on Monday night and see her sister Lindy on Tuesday, stay with her brother again Tuesday night and drive back home on Wednesday. Well her mother got a text Wednesday about lunchtime to say that she had called in to see a friend at Portishead on the way home, then all went quiet! Well Wednesday went and about 1400 Thursday I get a text to see if it is ok if she stays until Friday. I told her to stay as long as she wants but she has to be back at work, and Lainie at school Monday hence the question at the start!
I only had one request and that was to let me know in plenty of time if I have to arrange to get a lift to church on Sunday (oh and I mean before Sunday morning Stella)? I wonder if she has remembered that it is her week for meet and greet!
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