Saturday, 23 February 2013

Another quiet day?

Well as we have not heard anything from Stella so it seems that it is going to be another quiet day. Mind you with the temperature hardly rising above zero for the last few days I do not particularly want to go anywhere except I really have a yearning for a Chinese takeaway, alas we do not have one that does a delivery service so unless Stella returns today we will be deprived of one for yet another day?
Just looking online at the old homestead in Darts Close, Cook has, it seems modernised the bathroom and fitted a new kitchen and carpets but still cannot let the place! At £595 pcm it is a bit rich mind you with no public transport to speak of and other 2 and 3 bed properties in the same village up for rent at £525 to £550 pcm, if you want to see what he has done?
Well Stella arrived here about 1510 and then went and dropped her stuff back home and got a lovely chinese at the same time. LUSH!!!

Friday, 22 February 2013

A quiet week

Well it has been a quiet week so far with Stella away on holiday with the car!
Sue has only been out of the flat once all week when she went to Tesco this morning and I have doubled that when I went to get some milk on Tuesday and then went to choir practice Wednesday evening. We now have the list of concerts from now until July and practices leading up to the big one in November!
I have pretty much been keeping myself busy with the church mag being published this this week and the directory ready to print but awaiting paper for that and the stapler!
I also have been very much praying this week for a dear dear friend who's marriage is breaking up. I feel very much that she is wanting to fight and save her marriage but her husband is very much influenced by a so called friend who tells him what to do! I is usually the case that my friend and her husband will sit down to talk, she will talk, he will listen then go and ask his friend what he should do and follow her advice instead of growing a pair of balls and telling her to get out of his marriage! I have felt for some time that there is three people in that marriage and nothing can survive that situation....
I wonder if Stella will be back today or tomorrow or even Sunday? Well there is a bit of a tale to that and as I have time on my hands I had might as well tell it!
The plan was that Stella borrowed the car to go to Bognor Regis on Monday to see her friend Sandra, stay with her brother on Monday night and see her sister Lindy on Tuesday, stay with her brother again Tuesday night and drive back home on Wednesday. Well her mother got a text Wednesday about lunchtime to say that she had called in to see a friend at Portishead on the way home, then all went quiet! Well Wednesday went and about 1400 Thursday I get a text to see if it is ok if she stays until Friday. I told her to stay as long as she wants but she has to be back at work, and Lainie at school Monday hence the question at the start!
I only had one request and that was to let me know in plenty of time if I have to arrange to get a lift to church on Sunday (oh and I mean before Sunday morning Stella)? I wonder if she has remembered that it is her week for meet and greet!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Fantastic Sunday Sermon

Why was it a fantastic Sunday sermon, because for the first time in years I heard every word without having to struggle and strain woohoo!! Well done Mervyn and hearing aids.
At this point I was planning to put a link to the sermon, but alas it has not been put on the web site yet but will do it as and when? if you wish to hear others?
Not a lot more to say about yesterday except we had a lazyish day at home although the weather was nice, oh and Stella collected the car on her way home from work as she is away from Mon to Weds which I think will be stretched to about Friday lol!

Saturday, 16 February 2013


I have just come in from being out in the garden with my new aids and it reduced me to tears! I could hear the birdsong again clearly enough to recognise, not just the loudest but ALL!!
Many of my readers will know of my love of our feathered friends, and those of you who do not will know now lol.
Why did I not succumb and do this years ago.........
Thank you again God for the Birds and their beautiful song!!

Apart from that it has been an odd sort of day, Sue came with Lainie and cooked a roast dinner, watched a dvd this afternoon and not much else except make a card for Becky.
Becky who has an 18th birthday party tonight that we were supposed to be going to! It is a black tie job though which means posh clothes?
Well Sue and myself have grown so much in stature (yes we have got fatter) since we last needed or used posh clothes that neither of us have any that still fit us and so we have decided not to go, we are going to have to go on a spending spree shortly as we have a wedding to go to on 8th April so we have to be kitted out properly for that, I may even stretch to a suit if I can find one to fit in a charity shop? I would think that the cances of that are about the same as finding a pile of rocking horse poop!!
Well Sue is at Stellas tonight for the last time for a week as it is Stella's last day of work tomorrow and then she is off to Bognor for a few days on Monday.

Friday, 15 February 2013

15th FEB, The Big Day

To start the day right this is what I got up to out of the window, such a magical sight that photos cannot really do justice to!

That is it for now, will add more later if time?

Today is the day I got my hearing aids!

Had a quite normal morning after the mists had gone and meeting Sue at Tesco, having a very nice Chinese for lunch, costing all of a fiver also from Tesco!
Then off to Plymouth to have my hearing aids fitted, I have been so looking forward to this moment and boy what a difference!!! I did not realise how bad my hearing had gotten! Oh as a reminder to self and warning to any in the area that read this, give Tavistock a wide berth for at least 6 weeks as road works all over the place!
Called in at Stella's on the way back to show Sue that I can hear again!
Then off to Splatt to pick up the 7 seater and to help transport the youth club to Plymouth Ice Rink, I do enjoy being around young people and watching them enjoy myself, it was nice to have something to do and to feel useful. Also it reminded me of when we lived in London and how Louise was so good at skating.
A safe journey was had all around and I arrived back home around 2300, tired but happy and I could hear a pin drop!!
As a footnote I had to try it when I got in? I usually have the TV on 30 volume, I could hear it on 5 but think a good level is 10 and that is a third of what it was, won't Sue and the neighbours be happy lol.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Valentines Day

Well here we are the 14th Feb and St Valentine has ignored me again thankfully although Sue did buy me a couple of orchids the other day as they were going at 3 tenths of the original price of £10, oh and I bought her a freezer today so I guess we are doing ok ha ha!
Well Stella is working so Sue is down there nights as it is winter. When the weather is warmer it is planned that she will walk there in the mornings before Stella goes to work.
I am still not missing those 2 (fb and twitter) by the way as have been out most of the morning, busy counselling and doing other things this afternoon and out at MAC this evening so again not had time.
Well another busy day tomorrow as well.
It is going to be an extra special day tomorrow so watch this space!

As a footnote the Wray twins came out of hospital today ref

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Ash Wednesday

Well today has been the first day of Lent and also the first day without social media! I have not really missed it as I have had plenty to do to take its place.
As it is late evening now I will finish this tomorrow if I get time to fit it in!!!
Never had time!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Lent 2013

As a rule I do not usually give anything up for lent but this year I have had a real nagging feeling that I am spending far too much time on social networking sites such as facebook and twitter to the detriment of other, more important things.
So for the duration of lent, that is Weds 13th Feb until Easter Sunday the 31st March 2013 I am disabling both sites so that there will be no temptation to sneak a peek!
I intend to put on here now and again how I have filled my days in the absence of the above....

Friday, 8 February 2013

Twins to Amy and Michael Wray

I was so please that on the 1st February at 1730 Edward Wray came into this world and shortly after at 1731 Harriet his sister was born at Chesterfield Hospital.
We had so hoped to go up to see them this weekend but the weather forecast for Sunday to Tuesday is atrocious for them and we must be back Tuesday for commitments Wednesday!

Edward Wray

Harriet Wray

A very happy family
This is such a joy after the sadness of March last year, not only does God replace the one that was lost BUT HE DOUBLES THE JOYOUS GIFT.
Twins have never been known on the Cotterill side and I do not think they have been known on the Ayling or Wray either so it makes it extra poignant!

If you, dear reader, wish to know of the sadness of last year here is the link.

Cook v's Cotterill (rent deposit adjudication)!

After much procrastination and trying to get me to settle for a lesser sum without adjudication below is a copy of the full adjudication which is legally binding by all party's and the money is back in our account anyway so enough said ha ha!!

If you want to see the saga from the start it is here

I did no more than filled in and returned all the forms and put the rest firmly and squarely in The Lords hands to try and stop me worrying about it, as usual it was a "boomerang struggle" which I eventually got rid of!

DEPOSIT ID: 11779427




Tenancy Agreement
1 At all material times the papers show that Glyn Cotterill (hereinafter ‘the Tenant’) and S Cotterill entered into an Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement with Robert Cook (hereinafter ‘the Landlord’). The property is located at 9 Darts Close, St. Giles-On-The-Heath, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 9RS. The tenancy commenced on 4th May 2010 for an initial term of six months.

Reference to Adjudication
2 A dispute has arisen between the parties over the Deposit paid to the Landlord at the commencement of the tenancy which being unable to resolve they have agreed to refer to adjudication under the ADR Rules of the Deposit Protection Service (DPS Rules). In accordance with the DPS terms and conditions, I confirm that I am qualified to adjudicate this claim, being a UK qualified solicitor.

Submissions and Evidence

3 The parties have made the following submissions:

i) Submissions by way of ‘Landlord’s/Agent’s Evidence Form’ together with supporting documents dated 29th November 2012 and Final Comments dated 28th December 2012.

ii) Submissions by way of ‘Tenant’s Evidence Form’ and supporting documents dated 13th December 2012.
4 I have been provided with the following evidence by the parties: Tenancy Agreement dated 4th May 2010

Copies of correspondence including emails Photographic evidence dated 23rd November and 4th December 2012

The Deposit

5 The Tenant paid a deposit of £600.00 to the Landlord at the beginning of the Tenancy. The sum of £453.17 is currently in dispute.

The Dispute

6 The Landlord seeks payment of the following sums:

Damage to roller blinds £112.80
Damage to window locks £210.00
Damage to flooring £130.37

7 The Tenant disputes that any of the disputed sum should be retained and requests the return of the balance of the deposit.

Reasons for Decision

8 All the parties are conversant with the facts of this case and the issues raised. I do not propose to recount all the facts of this case in the same manner and order as the parties have done in their respective documents, save where necessary for the purposes of this Decision. I have also carefully considered all documents submitted by the parties in support of their submissions, and the parties should be reassured that the fact I do not refer to a particular document or point specifically, should not be construed to mean that I have not considered that document or point.

9 I note in particular the obligations placed on the Tenant under the terms of the Tenancy Agreement in clauses: Particulars, 1.8, 4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.3, 4.6.1, 4.6.2 and 6. I do not propose to recite the wording of these clauses in this decision as both parties have a copy of the Tenancy Agreement.

10 The burden of proof in respect of the claim rests on the Landlord to establish on a balance of probabilities that the Tenant was in breach of the obligations under the Tenancy Agreement, and that the sums claimed are reasonable costs incurred or likely to be incurred as a result of the Tenant’s breach.

11 Adjudication decisions can only be reached on the basis of the evidence received by an adjudicator from the parties. It is the sole responsibility of each party to ensure that all relevant supporting evidence is presented to the adjudicator before the decision is made.

12 The Landlord submits that at the end of the tenancy two roller blinds were broken, two window locks were damaged and vinyl flooring in the kitchen was ripped and stretched. The Landlord wishes to claim £453.17 in order to compensate him for the replacement of the damaged items.

13 The Tenant disputes this claim and states that the damage to the window lock and vinyl flooring was pre-existing. In relation to the alleged damage to the blinds, the Tenant states that the mechanisms of the blinds were faulty from the start of the tenancy and that the blinds were removed from the windows and stored safely during the tenancy. The Tenant states that no damage was caused to the blinds during his residency.

14 In considering any claim for damages, I compare the condition of the property at the start and the end of the tenancy. I do this in order to establish if any damage has occurred during the course of the tenancy and if it is attributable to the Tenant, and if any repairs and replacement of items are required to return the property to the condition it was in at the start of the tenancy, fair wear and tear excepted. To do this, I compare the check in and check out reports as these documents are the primary source of evidence of the condition of the property at the start and the end of the tenancy. If the check out report shows that the item is not in as good condition at the end of the tenancy as it was at the tenancy start, then the Landlord may be entitled to claim.

15 I have not received a copy of the check in report to establish the condition of the property at the start of the tenancy. I also have not received a copy of the check out report to compare the condition of the property at the end of the tenancy.

16 To support this claim the Landlord has provided a number of photographs. These photographs have been submitted electronically and having checked their ‘properties’ folder I am able to verify that they were taken on 23rd November and 4th December 2012. According to the documentation provided in this dispute the tenancy ended on or around 3rd November 2012. In the circumstances, I am unable to accept the photographs that taken almost three weeks after the end of the tenancy as valid check out evidence.

17 It is for the party bringing the dispute to provide sufficient evidence to show their entitlement to a deduction from the Tenant’s deposit. In the absence of any substantive evidence to demonstrate that the claimed damages were caused by the Tenant during the course of the tenancy, I am unable to confirm that the Tenant should be liable for the deductions claimed. The Landlord’s claim therefore fails and I direct the return of the balance of the deposit to the Tenant.


I NOW having considered the submissions of the parties and the documents provided to me


i) The Landlord’s claim fails

ii) The Deposit Protection Service shall return the balance of the deposit, namely £453.17, to the Tenant.
Well that is the end of the matter, thank you Lord!

Hearing Aids for Glyn!

In early December 2012 after many hints and much nagging (only joking) about my hearing I felt it was about time I did something about it! Duly I made an appointment with Dr Michelle Wells who duly started the process by referring me for a test in Plymouth.
I received a phone call about a fortnight later to arrange an appointment in mid January 2013 for the said test.
It appears I only have about 30% hearing expected of a person my age and I am in desperate need of not one but two hearing aids.
Well to cut a long story short on the 15th February 2013 I am to be fitted with them.
It means that from that date I will no longer have the excuse of "selective hearing" as my family call it!!! I call it deafness and that has been confirmed he he..........

Christmas Day 2012

We woke early as usual and had unexpected visitors about 0800, we were supposed to pick up Stella and Lainie on the way to church about 1015 but excitement got the better of them it seems as they decided to walk here!
So how did the day go after that, I think I am going to tell most of it in pictures, after the present opening we went off to church for a short service and then home for a wonderful lunch!
We then had a quiet afternoon playing games and Glyn spent part of the time reading the inside of his eyelids!

And so the big opening starts!!

A special present for Grampy painted by Lainie's own fair hands

From the look on her face I think Stella wanted this!

Grampy loves his Blackberry!

The opening fest continues

A pub for Christmas? Lilliput Lane of course!

And so to lunch with stuffing and even bread sauce!

In all it was a lovely day with Stella and Lainie staying overnight and having a good Boxing Day as well........

Monday, 4 February 2013

LCC Family Service and Christmas Lunch 23rd Dec 2012

3 Days later we had a Family Christmas Service with Christmas dinner for all after the service.
We sang Carols and worship songs before Ali Bailey took over to lead a very informal Nativity play involving the young people and Sunday School!

Appearances can be so deceptive, (Lainie as an angel)!

Most of the Nativity cast and carers

The choir sang

Frank and May Bate gave prizes to the Sunday School children.

Lovely dinner cooked by the ladies of LCC organised by Di Studdart

Of course the silly games for after, this one being Reindeers!
Such a wonderful fun day that was enjoyed by all, yes even me with the silly games haha!!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Angels on Assignment 20th Dec 2012

Well after many weeks of rehearsal we were ready for the performance!
Unfortunately the weather was against us as it was lashing down with rain which kept a lot of the visitors away, such a shame for those who had done so much to try and make it such a success, especially Becky Bailey who had done all the organising and and rehearsals!

The Choir and Cast that you should be able to work out from the programe below
Angels On Assignment
A Christmas Evening for All the Family.
Welcome to an evening of Christmas songs and entertainment provided for your enjoyment by Launceston Community Church.

Angels On Assignment
“Angels On Assignment” tells the story of the events that led up to the virgin birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It tells of the excitement and participation that the angels of heaven might have felt about this holy event in 6 acts.”

Big Thank you to…
Organiser - Rachel Bate - Music and Play Director – Becky Bailey - Stage Management – Lucy Prout - Sound - James Bloye
Costumes supplied by – Sherry Bosdet and Stage Fright
The Actors – Cast List
 Narrator – John Harris
Angels  Michael – Chris Biddle / Gabriel – Di Studdart / George – Elliot Jane / Sue – Rachael Parsons / Fred – Suzannah Strong
Mary and Joseph  – Tracey Porter – Sheridan Bate
Shepherds 1 – Glyn Cotterill  2 – Mervyn Bate
Three Wise Men  1- Aaron Prout 2 – Ross Prout  3 – Greg Prout
The Choir (Angels)

Alto and Tenor  - Amy Ellicott - Donna Wilton - Rosemarie Lane - Sue Cotterill - Glyn Cotterill - Chris Biddle - Henry Bailey - Mervyn Bate
Soprano - Rachael Parsons - Di Studdart - Alison Bailey
Instruments - Piano - Rachel Bate - Flute - Amy Bailey - Guitar- Dan Strong.
This evening is hosted by Launceston Community Church, who meet here at St. Josephs School every Sunday morning at 10:30am. If you want to know more visit our website
You are invited to join us afterwards for a festive supper
Refreshments - Rita Prout ------ Programmes - Glyn Cotterill

Also there was an addition by Rachel Bate entitled
“Life-Changing Words - Mary's Song”
Voice 1 – Suzannah Strong -  Voice 2 – Rosemarie Lane - Voice 3 – Elowen Hill

Playing catch up (again)

(This is really dated 02/02/12 but I wanted to keep it on top lol)
My word has it been 6 weeks or more since I was last on here!! It looks like I am having to play catch up? Time flies so fast when you are having fun, or so they say!
I am going to have to think very carefully what has happened between then and now, so lets see?
1) Angels on assignment (choir and acting) (Done)
2) LCC Family service and Christmas lunch (Done)
3) Let me see, ah Christmas here (Done)
4) The dreaded hearing test? (Done)
5) Oh and the house deposit outcome (Done)
6) Twins to Amy and Michael Wray!!! (Done)
If I try to do at least one story a day, by the end of February (with the ones Sue will find) I should be all up together HA HA! and pigs fly?