Normal Thursday that is except I do not have my very beloved wife here with me.. Oh I do love her so much and am missing her tremendously!
Things may change but been very quiet so far!
The smell coming from the kitchen is so tantalising, bara brith for the housegroup BBQ this evening, although I do believe it has been changed to a Pot Luck Supper due to the weather and the ground being saturated. Well I never actually got there, had a short time of prayer before going and God said not to and to go and see my wife, so glad I did as really missed her and she is missing me so much now as well, I bought us a chinese take away and we spent a very enjoyable evening together. I now have nearly a whole bara brith in the bread bin but hope they can use it on the fun day Sunday.
About the weather? we so far this month have had 3 times the normal rainfall for July. We have been out to Roadford Lake a couple of times over the past weeks and seen it go from very low a few months ago to very full and near to overflowing the sluice, that tells us the state of it?
The point of all this about the weather is that summer seems to be arriving at last!!! It is a beautiful day out there!!!!
Having to wait in for a phone call from the doctor to moan at me again, I presume about my blood sugar levels. Told her to ring by 1300 as do not know what is happening about Derriford and Stella today, she can ring any time, not worried as I will as usual take very little notice and just put my insulin up a couple of increments and forget about it until the next blood test in September, at Peninsula where I do the clinical trial..... Well doctor rang but too late and I was right. Put insulin up tonight and hope for the best.
Looks like Stella is coming out tomorrow so not gone in to see her today. If she is home tomorrow lets hope Sue will be home soon. Can't wait!!!
You never mentioned you were going to be in a clinical trial
Sorry, been on it a year or more now, is it not blogged earlier?
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