Sunday, 5 June 2011

PART 2: OCTOBER 2009 TO MAY 2010

Well the first place we went was to the CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) to see what we could do and basically to cut a long story short they took over the handling of our debts and negotiated with our debtors to bring everything down to a managable level.
The only problem that we still had was the mortgage!!
I approached DWP (Department of Works & Pensions) who agreed to pay the interest on the mortgage. I then went to our motgage lenders and asked to have the mortgage changed to an interest only loan on the understanding that we would sell the property before the term of the mortgage was finished to pay off the capital, this was duely agreed and the done.
Well the DWP with their usual efficiency, and problems with staffing, had a backlog? This went on with no payments from them by February 2010, despite repeated phone calls from me and being passed from pillar to post and things came to a head with the mortgage lenders!!!!!!!!!!
Early in March 2010 we started to get threatening letters from the lenders because there was by this time considerable arrears owing which we were assured by the DWP would eventually be paid.
Sue & I by this time were getting very frustrated with the DWP and not being able to speak to the person dealing with our claim.........................
Enough is enough and by March we had certainly had enough, so we decided to hand the keys back to the lender and move into rented accomodation, thereby saving court costs etc.
Where to move to was the next question?
There was no longer a need to stay in the area we were in due to the fact I no longer had to travel to work so we decided on the Devon/Cornwall border area as we had friends there and knew of a good church there so while we holidayed in the area in March we looked around!!!
We found what I considered to be a lovely bungalow in a village location, but Sue was not too keen. I felt the reasons were twofold, firstly it was a really dull day and secondly it was the woman from the estate agents who was really obnoxious. I, on the other hand could see past all that and felt it was the place for us.
Well we looked at a few other places and nothing was at all suitable.
We went back home at the end of the week having found nothing and I was quite despondent as Sue had not seemed to go for the bungalow!!
We agreed to go down a couple of weeks later and have a look at some more houses and flats but nothing seemed like the right place and Sue agreed to look at the bungalow at St. Giles-on-the-Heath again. Well this time the weather was beautiful and even the woman from the estate agents was pleasant. I think that the latter may have been something to do with the question I asked her in the shop in front of her manager "do you have to work really hard to be that obnoxious, or does it come naturally?"
Well push coming to shove we had all the paperwork done and the move date was 4th May 2010. We moved in on that date with the bungalow full, as was the garage having the overspill.
The keys were posted registered post to the lenders a few days later and here we reside!!!
As a postscript by the time we moved we still had received no mortgage interest from the DWP.
You may think that that is the end of the story, alas there is still more to come which I will continue another day!!!!!

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