Thursday, 9 April 2009

March 2009 Holiday in Splatt

Having been back nearly 2 weeks now I thought perhaps it was about time I posted about it. Mind you pressure of work has also had a lot to do with it being delayed!
I think it is safe to say it is the best spring holiday, weather wise, that we have for some years as we only had one shower and that was during the night.
Consequently we went out most days, some to look at National Trust places and others just to take in the sights and enjoy the fantastic weather.
The holiday was marred a little by the fact that we had to come back a day early (missing 2 days really as we would have gone somewhere on the way home) as Tony (Sue's brother) was to have an operation on the Friday, especially as the op was cancelled at the last minute and Sue was already on the train going to Chichester when she received the phone call.
This is possibly the nearest you will ever see Sue to a bull! Still I suppose she gets enough from me?
Godreavy Island & Lighthouse (near Hayle)
These pictures were taken at All Saints Church, Dunterton. Illustrating the difference a lens can make! The left one was taken with a fisheye & the right with a normal wide angle!
All Saints Church, Dunterton. Again taken with a fisheye lens. notice the curve of the tower!
I just love using this lens. Ha ha!
I found whilst out for a walk on the nature trail this very small fly who seemed to be so photogenic that I just had to try to get it with the macro lens (above & below)
A mother and her 2 sons. I hope they will be luscious steaks in the not too distant future. Ha ha!

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