Tuesday, 30 June 2020

The Story of Janet in Lockdown.

I have a dear friend at church who is also in my housegroup by the name of Janet.
Janet lost her husband Owen earlier in the year to cancer and decided to go and stay with one of her daughters for a couple of weeks in Holland.
Janet has two daughter who live in Holland, Renee and Tamsyn who stayed there when Janet moved back to the UK several years ago.
Well that was in March! Then lockdown happened and two weeks turned into 3 or 4 months and here we are at the end of June and it looks like Janet will be returning on the 2nd of July.
You can imagine the state of the garden? A neighbour has kindly been keeping the front garden, which is mostly lawn, mowed but the rear garden has not been touched in all that time as you will see.
However the housegroup felt it would be good to give it a general tidy up before Janet got back which happened yesterday. It was forecast to be the last dry day until Thursday when we plan to do indoors?
We met at Janet's house at 1000, we being Roger and Rosemarie Lane, Malcolm Jones and myself and got stuck in by about half past.
A few pictures to tell the tale (Click to enlarge).

These three are the before.
Malcolm Jones hard at it.

As is Rosemarie Lane.

The final four are finished
 Taken by Rosemarie Lane.
 I left at around 1145 as my shoulder was being a pain so Rosemarie Lane took some pictures when they finished at about 1245. So these last 4 are by her. Thank you Rosemarie.
(again click to enlarge).

 Well I hope that Janet is surprised because we have tried to keep it from he about the garden but she does know that we are planning to go in on Thursday morning and give the house a spring clean ready for her return!
We also plan to leave her a welcome box as she is not due home until 2230 in the evening!

Welcome Home Janet!

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