Sunday, 20 October 2019

Thoughts and fears about the impending operation?

Whilst we were on holiday I missed an appointment for an echocardiogram. That has been rearranged for the 28th of October and was I think perhaps arranged to see if any damage was done during the episode or event before we went away when I ended up in A&E.
I think what has brought it home more and brought forth these apprehensions and fears also arriving while we were away was a Cardiac Pre-admission Appointment for the 7th November. That usually means that the operation is planned within 2 or 3 weeks from then?
In answer to the above it seems I am to be admitted on 3rd December and the operation is planned for the 4th? This is as long as no emergencies come up in the meantime that will delay it.
Strange as it seems I am not particularly worried about the operation, I think that is because I have complete trust in God and the path He has chosen for me! Yes there will always be little niggles but I put that down to Satan trying to put fears and unfounded concerns into my mind.
Funny thing is I know nothing as yet as to whether it is just a bypass, double triple or more and to be honest it is totally in God's hands and I am sure it will be revealed to me in good time?

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