Monday, 20 April 2020

Coronavirus! Ah Now, what have we been up to trying to preserve our sanity whilst in isolation?

Now there is a question?

5D Diamond Painting.
To be honest it has been quite difficult at times especially since the weather has got so nice over the past 3 weeks or so!
The mornings are easy as it is the same as we have always done being in separate rooms doing a bit of games on facebook and surfing the net as it was always called. Then whereas if the weather was nice we would go out to NT properties or do other things we no longer have those options?
A 1,000 that took Sue yonks
So we have found other things, we read, well Sue does mainly while I listen to books on Audible or listen to plenty of music.
Sue additionally has been doing colouring in her books and also this lovely Diamond cut picture to be framed and pit on the wall.
I have been doing plenty of bible study
Additionally we have been watching oodles of DVD's, Netflix and Amazon Prime thereby keeping us out of mischief.

Of course that is not to mention the wonderful contact with family and friends from church and choir via telephone and other ways that are open to us all today, such as skype, zoom, messenger and whatsapp! All of them where you can see as well as speak.

This one is a 1,000 and 2 x 500's done between us.
Then of course there are the inevitable jigsaw puzzles, just 500's for me and 1,000's for suicidal Sue. I am going to put pictures of some of them on here just to remind us in years to come.
Two cars in the village.
1 of a set of 4 called out and about.

A new car in the village.
Number 2 of the same set.

Day out.
Number 3 of 4 was finished on 22nd April.

A Stop to Look Back.
The last one of the 4 finished 27th April.

Friday, 17 April 2020

28th January to 17th April 2020. The Strangest of Times!

The first 5 weeks home I could do very little due to weakness, weather and lack of driving licence.
I just got my licence back and started to get out and about taking Sue shopping and collecting our Friday fish and chips which I always thoroughly enjoy.
I went to a house group that Dave Lewis collected me for at Vera's and then the poop hit the fan so to speak as the coronavirus pandemic struck the UK.
We have hardly been out for the last 4 or 5 weeks except for walks around the block as we are in isolation with Stella and neighbours doing the shopping and other things that are needed.
Yes that is no church, no choir, no shopping, no fish and chips just these four walls and the garden. Thankfully in that respect the weather has got warm and sunny, until today that is!
There has been a clapping and things have been going on Thursday evenings at 2000 so last night Chris Pitt who lives at number 6 decided he would brighten things up and do some singing in the car park making sure that we kept social distancing rules. I will put a couple of short clips here.
 Today it is back to rain so normality is back! Lol.
Well that has just about been the highlights of our past 3 months here at Dowr Close.