Friday, 19 October 2012

New address from 30/10/2012

Glyn & Susan Cotterill
9, Pendruccombe Court
Tavistock Road
PL15 9HF
The phone number is not changing!

We are now installed and if the petrol heads among you need a number Tavistock Road for your sat nav it is 23!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

All is well

Due to being busy not having much time to get on here!
We are very much all go for the move, it is obviously the right one as we had everything sorted financially and clerically within a week! just packing, packing and more packing now! oh and also some things to get rid of!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

God won! We are moving!

As usual God gets His way (as He should), everything, as usual, just fell into place although I did start to worry a little when we had not heard back by 1500 that we were acceptable!
I am going to try and upload a picture of where we will be living, have tried several times the other day with no success, so here goes,
Well how about that then, first time worked. There is another one I am going to try to get on and that is one of the view at the back, out of our bedroom and lounge windows!
Oh dear this is becoming a habit ha ha!
Another thing about living here is that BT reckon we will get an average of 17 Megabytes per second in internet download speed, that compares to 30 kilobytes per second here, for those that I have just spoke double dutch to it means about 800 times faster!!! That is of course if BT are to be believed?

Notice was duly emailed and sent recorded delivery yesterday afternoon to the landlord and we move into the flat on the 30th or 31st October 2012 and hand the keys back to this place on the 3rd November thereby allowing us a few days to fill the holes from picture hanging and painting 3 rooms so that we should then get our full deposit back?

Will continue this as time allows