Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Gospel Choir
 Do you know I had forgotten how much I enjoyed singing!
Recently the church started the "Launceston Community Church Gospel Choir" to put on a concert for Christmas called "Love Came Down" to be staged on the 21st Dec 2011.
I apprehensively enrolled and as soon as the first rehersal last week I realised how much I was going to enjoy it. Last night was the second one and it is really coming together. Becky Bailey is really good as Choirmaster (mistress) and with Rachel Bate on keyboard we are made!!!!!
The first week there were about a dozen there, 8 ladies and only 4 men! but last night that grew to 18 or 20 with several more men in attendance.
I am now only hoping that when this performance is over the choir will not finish as I think it has a real future?


A Sparrowhawk visits the garden

Today about 1000 I went into the kitchen and got the surprise of my life, sat on the stump from the tree that was recently cut right back was a Sparrowhawk. He was just sitting there so I quickly called Sue expecting it to fly away at any second and wanted her to see it. It was lashing down with rain and very windy (gusts of approx 30mph)! After a few minutes I decided that he was settled enough for me to attempt to get a photograph of him. Went to get my camera and fully expected him to fly away (sods law they call it), lo and behold he was still there!! I even managed to open the window quietly to get these couple of pictures. It was impossible to take them through the glass as they were so wet with the rain on them. About 10 minutes after these pictures he went, glad to say empty taloned, as every bird he went for in that time he missed but it was a thrilling time for us watching him!! The total time he stayed must have been 25 to 30 minutes woohoo..............

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

This Crazy November Weather!!!

This is some crazy November weather, I took these photos TODAY!!!

These roses stopped flowering once but were then fooled into thinking it was still summer...
This camelia is thinking spring is here, the rest of the buds are ready to burst in the next few days.
This one usually flowers in April/May
This is a variety of honeysuckle that usually flowers ealy spring, the same time as the camelia
 This one has not stopped flowering at all yet.

This weather is really saving us some money on heating but is making me wonder what these plants are going to do in the spring? Watch this space and I will keep you updated on the camelia, you never know I may get some spectacular photos of a flowering camelia in December, ha ha....

Incidently this date 2010 the max temp was 6.5c and today it is double that at 12.9c and that is about what it has been most days, or more. We had only our second ground frost this autumn this morning and have not had an air frost at all yet!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Where we are?

This is where we live!

A few months ago a stranger knocked on the door and offered me this framed picture of the bungalow we live in for a bargain price of £40!!!

Me being me haggled a bit with him and got him down to £15, I must admit that having worked so hard haggling I did not have the heart to tell him I did not want it as I only rent the bungalow. I thought at the time I could show you all where we live.

A development since that is the owner of the house may buy it off me for £25, when I told him about it he was very interested, I just have to remember to show him it!! I have forgotten the last two times I have seen him, just call it OLD AGE hehe!!


Rusty, My how he grows!

As many of you will know Rusty is a corn snake, when I got him he was all of 10 inches long, he is now 44 inches, that is 112 cm.
He loves being handled as Shannon will tell you..........

Here he is in the middle of his weekly meal.

All 44 inches of him.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Dates to remember for November


1st Emily is 12
12th Glyn is too old to worry about
14th Denise is 56
17 Stella is 38
26th Shannon is 5
27th Brendan is 43


5th Sharon & Peter 7 years wed