Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Dates to Remember for August 2011


1st Peter Howe (Sharon's husband)

4th Libby (Nathan's daughter) will be 6

6th Tobias will be 14

9th Samuel (Louisa's son) will be 8

11th Charlie (Lee's son) will be 7

18th Tyler (Mark's son) will be 13

29th Harry (Lee's son) will be 14

31st Jack (Nathan's son) will be 10

Wedding Anniversary's

14th Gary & Emmas wedding anniversary

25th Liz & Brendan have been married 10 years.

More will be added as I get them

Monday, 29 August 2011

A baby on the way!!

It seems Amy is pregnant!!
It is due a day after mum's birthday, March 3rd 2012, many congratulations to Amy and Michael also to Denise and Andrew who become grandparents for the first time Woohoo xx

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Amy & Michael Wedding

It seems Amy is getting married to Michael Wray on the 19th November 2011 at 1200 at Bakewell Register office, Woohoo!!!

2 months on August 2011

Well not a lot has happened since I posted part 3 so perhaps this will be a little on the boring side........
We have indeed been able to look forward now and seem to enjoy life to the full again, it seems I was very moody and surly over the past couple of years but am told I am getting slowly back to my old self!!!
We are very much enjoying the company of family during this summer period and have had visits from Michael (my brother), Denise (my sister), Liz, Brendan & the girls, Lindy, Nick & Karis, Sharon & Pete called in one day when Pete was working in the area, Richard and Ben have been, Stella and Lainie are with us at the moment and Lisa & Shannon are due on the 20th.
We then have about a month before off we go to Bonnie Scotland (with Mike) on the 29th Sept for 3 and a half weeks with travelling!! We are both so looking forward to it as it is probably the last time that we will be going to the very north of the country as we plan to go to John O' Groats while there!!! If I can find Wi-Fi while I am away we will no doubt keep you posted on that one?......
As an update on part 3 :- Gods timing is as usual wonderful!!! the DWP eventually got back to me about the interest on the mortgage for the Garth Close property!!! Well, well over a year after first applying for it I got a phone call to ask if it had been dealt with as it seems to have just turned up in the pile on someones desk?!?!? Well we went through it all and it seemed they owed me some back payment. Well they paid it within a week so that has left us with a small surplus to requirements which coincided with a rise in the rent, so all bases covered, thank you God again!!!
Well I think that is about it for now except to say GOD BLESS ALL THOSE WHO READ THIS and I pray that He is as good to you as He is to us xx