Saturday, 28 June 2008

Day out at St Fagans (The Museum of Welsh Life)

I Did this!!!
Stella throwing a pot (and she never even had a tantrum)!

Stella & Lainie at Picnic site.

A Fly on wet hedge. Taken by Glyn.

Of coarse the inevitable bird, a male Tufted duck.

We have had a wonderful day out today at The Museum of Welsh Life.

Stella and Lainie are staying for a few days and we thought it would be nice to pay a visit here.

We all returned knackered but happy (that is excepting Lainie who still had plenty of go in her).

Here is just a few pictures to keep you all laughing!

By a very tired Glyn x

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Dates to remember for July


5th Louisa is 26

7th Natalie (Louises Daughter) is 9

11th Philip is 57

12th Richard is 39

30th Joseph (Louises Son) is 15

31st Lainie (Stellas Daughter) is 4

Happy Birthday to ALL!!!!

Wedding Anniversary.

21st Nathan & Claires 1st wedding anniversary

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Does anyone know the year?

Does anyone know the year that this photo was taken?

I have guessed at 1944ish as dad is obviously still in the army which narrows it down to 1940 to 1946 when he was demobbed.

I guess he must have met mum around 1940 as they married in 1943.

So can anyone narrow it down any further?


Thursday, 19 June 2008

Ben (Richards son)

It is so nice to have contact with Ben again after all this time!

It has not been for the want of trying on my part but whenever I tried it was only to be thwarted at the last minute. Still that is all in the past and we can only look to the future now and hope to see and hear a lot more from him.

He is going to be moving to Milton Keynes on 8th September and spending some time with his father and hopefully getting a job in his chosen career as a chef.

God bless you all


Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Is it June?

I put the heating on this morning!

Do you think it is June as the weather seems to be telling us otherwise.

Who speaks about global warming?

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Foals & Birds

Pepsi & Foal.

Pippin & Foal.

This is 2 of the 3 foals (all fillies) that the Shetland ponies opposite us have had in the last few days.

Goldfinches on the thistle seed feeder.

We have up to 7 Goldfinches in our garden at any one time. They will even come in if we are sat outside or talking to people outside, they appear to have little fear of us.

Love to all


Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Gary's Holiday

Just come back from 2 weeks in sunny Dubai, a brilliant holiday in a lovely country.

So nice in fact that I am now looking into retraining so that myself and my family can move out there as there are so many business oppitunities, also so fed up with this country falling apart at the seams.

Here are a few pics of that fortnight.

So if there is any advice that anybody can give (the family entrepeneur Rob) then it will be more than welcome.


Pics of the MK Lot

Sharon going to feed the Ducks
Sorry I missed you Pete!

Richard (sitting as usual)

Louise, Joe, Natalie & Andy

Monday, 9 June 2008

Milton Keynes visit

Sue & I are just back from the land of the roundabout and are pleased to report that all our children & grandchildren that live there are well.

We had a lovely time at Louise's on Saturday & Sunday then went on to Sharons today as she was away all weekend in Brighton. Richard came over twice so we had lovely times with him as well.

Sue & I have nearly become pro's at 10 pin bowling on the Wii!
The things we oldies get up to when we are away is surprising (even to us sometimes).

Very hot journey home as it was 28 deg. celcius in places.

Oscar has so far hardly said a word as we left him for 3 days by himself with Radio 2 and he is sulking!

I am having an early night as I am now knackered from driving all the way home into the Sun.

Will post a couple of pictures when I have sorted them.

Love to all & God Bless


Thursday, 5 June 2008

Glyn update

Hi all. The good news is I am going back to work on the 16th as blood sugar is a lot lower that it was. Doctor wants to make sure it is stable so would not let me back sooner!

We are off to MK at the weekend to see the 3

Love to all


Sunday, 1 June 2008

Stella's Iron

Stella's iron has packed up through lack of use? Not being one to overuse an iron she had the last one for 10 years. Stella would be the first one to admit that.
Alas it has gone to the great ironing board in the sky.
I felt therefore that I should post a picture of one to remind her what they look like.
Stella just so that you know THIS IS WHAT AN IRON LOOKS LIKE!
Boy am I desperate for news to post?!?
Love to all