Saturday, 31 May 2008


Just as a Reminder that I am still waiting for all your news

Saturday, 24 May 2008

Update on Glyn

Results of blood tests were not too good so Dr has upped 1 tablet to maximum and added in another to try and get it down. I am now taking 12 tablets a day at 5 different times of the day!
He says that it is only stalling for time and the inevitable will happen when I have to go onto insulin.

That will then unfortunately be the end of my HGV license and the end of my job. He hopes it will be enough to stave it off for 3 to 5 years but the next 2 weeks are critical.

A very worrying time for us both & not too nice a birthday present for Sue!

Please pray for us?

Love to all & God Bless


Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Dates to remember for June


2nd Sarah will be over 21 (Martyns wife)

5th Brett will be 12 (Garys son)

6th Laila will be 3(Garys daughter)

Other things

26th Mike is off to Egypt where it is expected to be too bloody hot for him!
Enjoy it anyway Mike & you go with our love.

Monday, 19 May 2008

Glyn is not well

Well Sue has nagged me long and hard to get me to go to the doctors and so I went this morning!

The result is I now have at least 2 weeks off work while they get the medication for my diabetes sorted, also the tiredness and lethargy that I have been suffering from for the last 6 months or so. They are suggesting that it is possibly the ME that I had a problem with in the 80's returning after a virus I caught at the back end of last year.

Will keep you updated


Thursday, 15 May 2008


It is right what they say about May "Nere cast a clout till May is out". Even the heating which is set very low came on this morning!

Hope you are all well?

I have still not heard from Rob about his trip, no surprise there then lol.

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Is No News Good News?

As I have heard nothing for the past week from anyone I can only presume everyone is well and enjoying life!

Sue has been away Helping to decorate Stella's flat.

Boy is it good to have her back!!!!!!!!!

Well God Bless everyone and have a great summer, which I understand is supposed to start on Tuesday? Ha ha.


Friday, 2 May 2008

Reason for News blog?

As we are so good as families with sharing news (yes I am being sarcastic lol) I thought this might help in a small way with keeping everyone up together with news & events within this exceedingly large family.


Feel free to leave a comment below as to your thoughts on this!

All news and photo's to my Yahoo address please.

Love to you all
