The Great Spotted Woodpecker visited the garden yesterday morning and takes the garden bird count up to 31.
I have not been able to get a shot of it yet but will post a photo when I do. This borrowed one will have to do for now.
Not really a secret, it is just I am such a boring old fart no-one ever reads it! These are the thoughts and doings of Glyn Cotterill. Ah but he hastens to add they are definitely not reflected or in any way echoed by his long suffering wife Susan who thinks quite independently!
21 House Sparrow
5 Greenfinch
8 Chaffinch
5 Starling
3 Blackbird
1 Wren
2 Magpie
2 Song Thrush
7 Great Tit
4 Blue Tit
2 Coal Tit
1 Sparrow Hawk
10 Goldfinch
5 Dunnock
1 Pied Wagtail
4 Brambling
3 Robin
2 Jackdaw
1 Crow
1 Rook
2 Blackcap
2 Jay
2 House Martin
2 Swallow
2 Bullfinch
7 Long tailed Tit
2 Siskin
3 Collard dove
2 Linnet
1 Nuthatch
We have seen many others around here including:- Green & Lesser spotted Woodpecker, Tawny Owl, Peregrine Falcon, Chiff Chaff, Goldcrest, Buzzard & Swift to name but a few.